NY LifeSpring LLC, Egg Donors
  Images from childhood, Egg Donors
In New York: 212.362.9612 WhatsApp: +1 646.258.3226In Israel: 03.763.8014
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About Us: Fertility Centers with which we work

We work only with carefully selected fertility centers that share our view of the egg donation process. Our personal involvement with each of our donors and recipients sets us apart from other agencies, and we expect a similar level of dedication from fertility centers. Below are the centers with which we currently work, in alphabetical order:
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     Oregon Reproductive Medicine (ORM)
"ORM provides world-class delivery of reproductive and genomic medicine in the most caring environment, while remaining accessible to individuals and families who want to become parents."

     Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey (RMA NJ)
"Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey's comprehensive care and fertility breakthroughs have helped patients just like you with the leading IVF delivery rates in NJ, in the US and the world."

     Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York (RMA NY)
"Where Medical Excellence and Compassionate Care Unite. Reproductive Medicine Associates New York Clinic offers Infertility Fertility Treatment for both male and female patients."

     Columbia University Fertility Center
"Whether you are just researching fertility centers, ready to take the next steps, or have a history of unsuccessful fertility treatments elsewhere, Columbia University."

     San Diego Fertility Center (SDFC)
"We have been creating miracles every day for over 20 years. Regardless of your situation, our nationally recognized infertility specialists can work closely with you to develop a personalized fertility treatment plan, including IVF, PGD, egg donation & surrogacy and other fertility options."

     Southern California Reproductive Center (SCRC)
"Our fertility clinic is home to IVF experts with decades of experience and modern technology complete with onsite ART laboratory and surgery center offering quality, convenience and comfort during your reproductive journey."
NY LifeSpring LLC is a New York Limited Liability Company | Tel 212.362.9612
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