NY LifeSpring LLC, Egg Donors
  Images from childhood, Egg Donors
In New York: 212.362.9612 WhatsApp: +1 646.258.3226In Israel: 03.763.8014
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General Information   Getting Started   Recipient Experiences   Donor Experiences  

Becoming a Donor: Getting Started

The first step in becoming an egg donor through NY LifeSpring LLC is to call (212) 362-9612 and speak with Ruth Tavor, who personally handles all initial contacts and interviews. Once you have answered some basic questions to determine your eligibility as a donor, you will be invited to attend a face-to-face interview and pre-screening. (Please see Basic requirements and guidelines" on the "General Information" page of this section.)
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     After collecting information and photographs in the face-to-face interview, NY LifeSpring LLC will attempt to match you with a recipient. Once matched, you will wait for the third day of your next cycle (the third day after your next period) and then take a blood test at one of the medical facilities with which NY LifeSpring LLC works. If this blood test indicates that you may make a suitable donor, you will be asked to participate in a psychological screening, and if that goes well, a medical and genetic screening.
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     Once you have successfully passed your full set of screenings, you will be ready to begin injections and undergo egg retrieval, according to the schedule established by the doctors in charge of the cycle. For more complete information on scheduling and the steps involved in donating, please see the "General Information" page of this section. For answers to many questions you may have, please see the "Donor FAQ" (frequently asked questions).
NY LifeSpring LLC is a New York Limited Liability Company | Tel 212.362.9612
© 2003-2025 NY LifeSpring LLC | Web site Privacy Statement
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