NY LifeSpring LLC, Egg Donors
  Images from childhood, Egg Donors
In New York: 212.362.9612 WhatsApp: +1 646.258.3226In Israel: 03.763.8014
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About the Donors: Screening Process

The official screening process only begins after a potential donor successfully completes NY LifeSpring LLC's interview and pre-screening. NY LifeSpring LLC is licensed* to interview and pre-screen potential donors and then refer selected potential donors to a licensed, comprehensive medical facility. The official screening process is conducted at that comprehensive facility by their associated medical and psychological professionals, who are also licensed to conduct such screenings.
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     The pre-screening by NY LifeSpring LLC has two main purposes. One is to determine if the potential donor is likely to be selected by a recipient. Recipients are usually searching for a donor who has a good academic background and one whose physical characteristics and outlook on life are similar to their own. Another purpose is to maximize the probability that any potential donor whom NY LifeSpring LLC refers to a comprehensive facility will successfully complete the full and official medical, psychological and biographical screening administered by that facility.
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     The interview and pre-screening process conducted by NY LifeSpring LLC usually begins with a telephone interview by a representative of NY LifeSpring LLC. Donors who meet some basic requirements are asked to attend a face-to-face interview and pre-screening conducted by Ruth Tavor, an Israeli native whose first language is Hebrew and whose English is fluent. This pre-screening includes the completion of a written profile covering topics such as lifestyle, personal interests, ethnic background, academic achievement, profession, plus the medical history and physical appearance of both the donor and her family. In addition to this profile, there is a long conversation during the pre-screening to help form a sense of the whole person. Points of discussion may range from birthplace to books, art and music, from politics to preferred style of travel.
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     A potential donor who has been matched with a recipient is sent to begin the official screening, which starts with a blood test taken on a certain day of the potential donor's menstrual cycle. If the blood test results are good, a psychological screening is performed and, based on its success, a full medical and biographical screening follows. This comprises a general medical screening to check the donor's overall health, a genetic screening to see if she is a carrier of any hereditary conditions, a psychological interview and 560 question psychological test, and a questionnaire about her family's medical and psychological history.
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*NY LifeSpring LLC is licensed by the New York State Department of Health as a  "Tissue Bank" for "Limited Tissue Procurement Service".
NY LifeSpring LLC is a New York Limited Liability Company | Tel 212.362.9612
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